LOP – 20 February 2018, A.S. LII – Part 2



Unto Their Royal Majesties Marek and Golda; Baron Seamus MacDade, Aten Principal Herald; Heralds in the Atenveldt College of Heralds; and to All Whom These Presents Come,

Greetings from Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy, Brickbat Herald and Parhelium Herald for the Kingdom of Atenveldt!

This is the February 2018, Part II Atenveldt Letter of Presentation. The March Letter of Presentation will likely have a LOT of submissions from the Estrella War Consultation Table. (And I don’t want to mix up War with non-War items if I can help it.)

The following submissions appear in the February 2018 Letter of Intent:

Commentary was provided by Coblaith Muimnech, ffride wlffsdotter, Lyn of Whitewolfe, Magnus von Lübeck, Michael Gerard Curtememoire and Sigrith Vigdisardaater.

Áine inghean Uí Ó Raghallaigh (Mons Tonitrus): NEW NAME
The name is Irish Gaelic. Áine is a Middle Irish Gaelic and Early Modern Irish Gaelic female given name, dated 1169 through 1468 (“Index of Names in Irish Annals: Áine,” Mari Elspeth nic Bryan,http://medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/Feminine/Aine.shtmlRaghallaigh is found in “16th & 17th Century Anglicized Irish Surnames from Woulfe,” Mari ingen Briain meic Donnchada, p. 628 with the Gaelic header Ó Raghailligh, and Ó Raghallaigh, http://medievalscotland.org/kmo/Woulfe/SortedByAnglicizedRoot_P.shtmlinghean Uí is the standard way to form a name using an Irish clan affiliation byname for women (“Quick and Easy Gaelic Names” 3rd Edition, Sharon L. Krossa, http://medievalscotland.org/scotnames/quickgaelicbynames/#simplepatronymicbyname.
The client desires a female name and is most interest in the spelling and language/culture of the name (Irish, Gaelic). She will not accept Major Changes to the name. Upon consultaton, the client gave permission for the construction of the name to be corrected.

ffride wlffsdotter comments: Quick and Easy Gaelic Names says: “The standard way to form a name using an Irish clan affiliation byname for women is: <single given name> inghean Uí <eponymous clan ancestor’s name (in genitive case & always lenited unless starting with a vowel)> which means <given name> daughter of a male descendant <of eponymous clan ancestor> For example, Dearbhorgaill who is the daughter of Fearchar Ó Conchobhair would be: Dearbhorgaill inghean Uí Chonchobhair.” And Index of Names in Irish Annals: Failghe by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan has: (http://medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/Masculine/Failghe.shtml) Failghe mac Mhaol Mhórdha Uí Raghallaigh, died 1512. She believes (and I concur) that the name should be Áine inghean Uí Raghallaigh. I think that the submitted name ends up with two (identical) patronymic particles, Uí and Ó.

Ari Ánsson and Æsa ongull (Ered Sul, BoA): BADGE RESUBMISION from Laurel, November 2015.

Per bend sinister gules scaly and argent semy of escallops inverted gules.

The names were registered February 2006 and July 2009.
The previous submission was an appeal for a badge, Gules scaly argent., was “returned for conflict with the device of Antonius Hasebroek: Gules scaly Or. The underlying field tincture is the same and there is only one DC for changing the tincture of the scales. At the time the current precedent on field only armory with field treatments like scaly was set in February, 2012, Laurel declined to rule on whether or not two fields of identical underlying tinctures with the same type of field treatments in different tinctures are clear of conflict or not. At this time we are ruling that, if two field primary pieces of armory share the same field treatment and an identical underlying tincture, the fields do not differ by a substantial change of tincture and, absent an additional change (e.g., for the presence of a peripheral charge) will conflict.” I think the blazon might require some enhancement, Per bend sinister gules scaly argent, and argent, semy…, to assure that the scales won’t have escallops upon them.

Emelyn Fraser (BoA): BADGE RESUBMISSION for Stonegard Keep, September 2015

Argent, a man-tyger sejant erect within a bordure embattled sable.

The client’s name was registered April 2014. The household name was registered September 2015.

The previous submission, (Fieldless) A bat-winged lion with a human head sejant erect sable face argent., was returned for conflict with the badge of Lijsbet vande Visschereye: Per pale Or and argent, a winged lion rampant guardant sable. There is one DC for fieldlessness but no DC for the type of wings, no DC between the postures and no difference granted for changing the head. Although there would be a DC between a winged lion and a sphinx, it relies on the fact that both are period charges. The charge here is not a sphinx but a bat-winged lion: it lacks both breasts and bird wings.”

The man-tyger is a monster with a leonine body and a human head; the Pictorial Dictionary notes that “sometimes the feet have been replaced by human hands.”, which is not the case here. The client has chosen to use the man-tyger so as not to have to use the scorpion tail that is associated with a manticore.

Eugene Haraldson: DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, November 2017
Per pale sable and argent, a sun eclipsed between in bend two broad-arrows counterchanged. 
The name was registered November 2017.
The previous submission, Per pale sable and argent, a sun eclipsed between in bend two broad-arrows, that in base inverted, counterchanged., was returned “for violation of SENA A3D2c, which requires that charges in the same group be in a unified orientation. The two broad-arrows in this submission are placed in bend, with one upright and the other inverted. These orientations must be blazoned individually, rather than being in an identical orientation (either upright or inverted) or a complementary orientation (points to center/outward). If evidence could be found of such a design in period, it could of course be registered.” The client has chosen to place the broad-arrows in the same orientation.

Melonia Marie Popoff (BoA): DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Kingdom, July 2017
Vert, a catamount rampant argent enflamed proper, a bordure ermine.
The name was registered October 2017.
The previous submission, Vert, a catamount rampant gardant argent, fimbriated with flames proper, a bordure ermine., was returned because such

use of flames has been prohibited for a long time. The client has changed the flames to be enflamed in an acceptable manner.

Lilias Mar: NEW DEVICE
Per bend sinister azure mullety Or and vert, in sinister base a scorpion inverted bendwise sinister Or.

The name was registered July 2017.

Lucius James: NEW NAME and DEVICE

Or, a fist and a bordure rayonny Or. 
Lucius is found as an English male given name as Lucius Deringe, with a marriage date 22 Sep 1578 in Wolborough and Newgon Abbor, Devon, England (Batch M05188-1https://www.familysearch.org/search/search/record/results?count=20&query=%2Bgivenname%3ALucius~%20%2Bsurname%3ADeringe~%20%2Bbirth_place%3AEngland~). The surname James can be found with Gwilliam James’ christening date of 02 Sep 1554 at St. Thomas’, Newport, Hampshire, England, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:N2RW-LZZ.

The client desires a male name and is most interested in the language/culture of the name (English). He would like it authentic for 16th C. England.

There were some issues in in-Kingdom commentary with the size of the shield and the depiction of the rayonny bordure; they have been dealt with.

Nichelle of Whitewolfe: NEW BADGE
Sable, a demi-panther argent spotted sable and incensed gules, maintaining a cross formy argent.

The name was registered June 1973.

Nudd McPherson: NEW NAME CHANGE from Ian Nudd MacPherson

The current name was registered December 1989, before the College of Arms allowed English surnames permitted as given names in late period. The client registered the given name Ian at the time to comply with the rules, but his preference has always been to be known at Nudd. 
George Nudd is shown with a marriage date of 1582 to Margaret Feild at Yelverton, Norfolk, England, Batch M09677-1 (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:N2PF-SP2). Dowgall McPherson is shown with a 16 Sep 1649 marriage date at Kenmore, Perth, Scotland, Batch M11360-2(https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XY3C-WXY). The client desires a male name; he will not accept any Major or Minor changes to the name. Upon further consultation, he will accept changes to the name.

ffride wlffsdotter notes in the May 2017 LoAR says for the registeration of Keviliock MacKinley: “Submitted as Keviliock McKinley, Mc is a scribal abbreviation for Mac. By precedent, “both Mc and M’ will be expanded to Mac for registration purposes. Individuals with names expanded to Mac should of course feel free to use abbreviated forms like Mc and M’ as documentary forms of their name.” [September 2013 Cover Letter] We therefore have expanded the byname to MacKinley for registration.” (http://heraldry.sca.org/loar/2017/05/17-05lar.html#198) Upon further consultation, the client will allow the surname as MacPherson if needed to register the name change.

Tir Ysgithr, Barony of: NEW ORDER NAME, Order of the Ffrind of Ysgithr

The name is Welsh. Ffrind is Welsh for “friend”; it is found in English Elements in Welsh, T. H. Parry-Williams, p. 125. The name for the Barony of Tir Ysgithr was registered in January 1973. If this is registered, it should be associated with the badge (Fieldless) A maunch Or charged with a boar’s head couped contourny sable., registered to the Barony in August 2017.

Coblaith Muimnech mentioned several ways to establish that a name phrase is suitable for inclusion in a registered order name (http://heraldry.sca.org/sena.html#NPN1C):

a) attested to period as a complete name phrase,
b) constructed from attested period name elements,
c) an ordinary English translation of an attested or plausibly constructed name phrase,
d) borrowed from linguistically appropriate literary or legendary sources in a manner consistent with the attested practices of a specific culture in a discrete period,
e) extracted from a submitter’s legal name,
f) a registered branch name, or
g) already registered to the submitter.
It will be necessary to establish which of these options applies to the submitted substantive phrase “Ffrind of Ysgithr”. (I see nothing in Juliana de Luna’s Medieval Secular Order Names(http://heraldry.sca.org/names/order/new/) that would support “friend of [place name]” as a pattern.) 
Additionally, a name phrase in a non-personal name, “. . .may not mix languages unless that mixing of languages within a name phrase is attested.” (ibid) So it will also be necessary to show that the mixing of English and Welsh is attested in whichever context is demonstrably appropriate for the phrase “Ffrind of Ysgithr”.
Michael Gerard Curtememoire: “Does this not fall under http://heraldry.sca.org/sena.html#NPN1C2f, “Branch Name Allowance”?”
Magnus von Lübeck replied: “I believe it would have to be Tir Ysgithr rather than Ysgithr to get that allowance.”
The registered name of the Barony is Tir Ysgithr. This will be corrected in the LoI. I’m not sure how the appropriate name phrase should be for the order name (my wild guess is (c) and (f)), so I will try to explain the rationale for the order to the CoA in the LoI.

The following submission were registered by the SCA College of Arms, December 2017:

Finola Elizabeth Sutherland. Device change. Per chevron purpure and argent, two natural dolphins haurient respectant argent and a fleur-de-lys sable
The submitter’s previous device, Purpure, on a pile inverted between two natural dolphins haurient respectant argent, a mullet sable, reblazoned below, is retained as a badge.

Finola Elizabeth Sutherland. Reblazon of badge. Per chevron purpure and argent, two natural dolphins haurient respectant argent and a mullet sable. 
Blazoned when registered as Purpure, on a pile inverted between two natural dolphins haurient respectant argent, a mullet sable, this field is better described as Per chevron purpure and argent.

Jeffroi Laurence Dubosc. Name and device. Quarterly gules and purpure, a cross counter-compony sable and argent between in chief two lions couchant addorsed regardant Or. 
Submitted as Jeffroie Laurence Du Bosc, no evidence could be found supporting the submitted spelling of the given name in period. The several instances of Jeffroie that can be found online are entirely modernized spellings. However, the spelling Jeffroi is found in the 14th century chanson de geste La destruction de Rome. We have made this change for registration.
In addition, the documentation shows the surname as Dubosc, not the submitted Du Bosc. We have changed the surname to match the documentation.
The submitter requested authenticity for “11th C. Norman.” This name does not meet that request because the name elements cannot be dated as early as the 11th century. For example, the earliest attested date for the submitted spelling of the surname is 1500. In addition, the spelling Laurence is not found in French until the 16th century. Nevertheless, this is a registerable French name.

Maria de Venetia. Device change. Argent, a butterfly azure, a bordure azure semy of hearts argent. Her previous device, Per bend argent and gules, a swan sable and a sword inverted Or, is retained as a badge.

Mark the Just. Alternate name Just Mark and badge. Sable, a hanging balance and a chief embattled argent. 
Just is an attested 16th century English given name found in the FamilySearch Historical Records.

Rebeka Oroz. Name and device. Quarterly vert and azure, a cross nebuly argent, overall a camel rampant Or. 
Submitted as Rebeka Orosz, the submitter requested authenticity for Hungarian language and culture. To meet this request, with the submitter’s permission, we have changed the name to Rebeka Oroz, an authentic Latinized Hungarian name for circa 1300.

Rhys ibn al-Makhdoom. Name and device. Sable, a demon’s skull and on a chief argent three demon’s skulls gules. 
Rhys is the submitter’s legal given name.
Submitted as Rhys _ MakhdoomMakhdoom or Makhdum is an Arabic title originally used by Sufi masters and teachers but now also used by Pakistani politicians and officials. We found no evidence of its being used as a name element within the SCA’s period. However, we were able to construct a family name from this title in the form ibn al-Makhdoom based on the patterns found in “Son of the Hot-Tempered Woman: Women’s Names in Arabic Bynames” by Juliana de Luna (http://medievalscotland.org/jes/ArabicMatronymics/). With the submitter’s permission, we have changed the name to Rhys ibn al-Makhdoom for registration.
This is the defining instance of a demon’s skull in Society armory. While demons are no longer acceptable as charges, per the Cover Letter of Aug 2011, demon’s heads are still registerable – as recently as Feb 2012, in the device of Marek Viachedrago – from which this is a single step. A demon’s skull is here defined to be a human skull with horns; fangs are optional. We will grant them no difference from unmodified human skulls.

Sean Gleny. Name change from Seán an Gleanna. 
In 2008, under the old Rules for Submissions, we ruled that Seán Glenny conflicted with the submitter’s legal name and thus could not be registered. Under SENA, however, Sean Gleny is clear of his legal name under PN3C3.
Although familiar to most people as a Gaelic name, the submitter may be interested to know that Sean is also an Anglicized Irish male name found in “Names Found in Anglicized Irish Documents” by Mari ingen Briain meic Donnchada (http://medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnglicizedIrish/Masculine.shtml) dated to 1601. In either form, Seancan be combined with the Scots Gleny.
The submitter’s previous name, Seán an Gleanna, is retained as an alternate name.

Sólveig at Rauðá. Name and device. Per fess gules and argent semy of shears, a fess wavy sable and in chief a fish Or. 
Submitted as Solveig frá Rauðá, diacritical markings in Old Norse names must be used or omitted consistently throughout. Therefore, the given name has been changed to Sólveig.
Additionally, frá is not used when forming a byname based on the name of a river, such as Rauðá. As Gunnvor Orle explained in commentary, at, meaning “by the side of,” is the attested preposition in bynames based on river names. Therefore, we have changed the name to Sólveig at Rauðá.

Valerius Proietto di Venezia. Name. 
On the July 2017 Letter of Acceptances and Returns, we returned the submitter’s original name Valeas Proietto di Venezia because we found no evidence of Valeas as a name element. However, “[h]eralds at the Pelican decision meeting were able to document both Valens and Valerius as given names compatible with the remainder of the name.” At the time, the submitter allowed no changes. On this resubmission, the submitter selected Valerius, a classical name revived in 16th century Germany and found in Italian literature from the Renaissance onwards.

The following submissions were returned for further work, December 2017:

Abigail de Westminster and Lachlann Dougal Graeme. Joint badge. (Fieldless) Three chevronels couped and braced counterermine. 
This device is returned for redraw. Commenters could not recognize the presence of the ermine spots. Upon resubmission, the submitter is encouraged to draw thicker chevrons and larger ermine spots.

Cathán Ultaig. Device. Gules, a bend sinister bevilled between a wolf’s head couped contourny and a sinister hand fesswise reversed couped sustaining an axe reversed argent.

This device is returned for violation of SENA A2C3, which disallows the blurring of charge groups. Commenters could not determine whether the hand and axe were of sufficiently similar visual weight to be considered co-equal charges, or whether the hand was small enough to be considered a maintained charge.

If the charges are considered co-secondaries, this device must also be returned for violation of SENA A3D2a, which disallows more than two types of charge in the same charge group.

There is a step from period practice for use of a bend sinister bevilled with other charges directly on the field.

Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy

c/o Linda Miku

2527 East 3rd Street

Tucson AZ 85716

