LOP – 15 December 2016, A.S. LI



Unto Their Royal Majesties Morgan and Elizabeth; Baroness Genevieve de Lironcourt, Aten Principal Herald; Heralds in the Atenveldt College of Heralds; and to All Whom These Presents Come,

Greetings from Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy, Brickbat Herald and Parhelium Herald for the Kingdom of Atenveldt!

This is the December 2016 Atenveldt Letter of Presentation, for the December 2016 LoI; it precedes the Letter of Intent with submissions considered for the next Letter of Intent. Please have your commentary made by December 2016.

Submission Fee Increase: The fee for new submissions by the S.C.A . College of Arms has increased to $4.00 per item. At this time, there is no intent to increase the current fee for a new submission from the Kingdom of Atenveldt ($7.00).

Heraldry Hut: will be held on Friday, 16 December, at the home of Symond and Marta, 7:30 PM. Please email one of us if you have questions or need directions.

Please consider the following submissions for the December 2016 Atenveldt Letter of Intent:

Ceallach Colquhoun (Sundragon): NEW HOUSEHOLD NAME, Red Dragon Keep

The personal name was registered June 2006.

Company of the Red Dragon is registered to Tristram O’Shee, and House of the Red Dragons is registered to Anastasia MacEwan de Ravenna and Juliana Red MacLachlan. Per SENA, 3. Substantial Change of Single-Syllable Name Element: Two names whose substantive elements are two words or less and have a comparable single-syllable name element (excluding articles and prepositions, like de and the) are eligible for this rule. Comparable single-syllable name elements are substantially different in sound if a group of adjacent vowels or of adjacent consonants within a word is completely changed, so that they have no sound in common. In rare cases, the sound may still be too similar for this rule to clear the conflict. The change of a single letter is sufficient for two eligible name phrases to be different in appearance, as such name phrases are quite short. On a case by case basis, two-syllable names phrases may be eligible for this rule, such as Harry and Mary (http://heraldry.sca.org/sena.html#NPN3),

Keep is an acceptable household designator, http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/CompiledNamePrecedents/Designations.html#Keep. The client is willing to accept Red Dragon Keep of Sundragon if a conflict is found (Sundragon is a baronial designator register September 1984). She is most interested in the meaning of the name.

Cullen Ellis (Sundragon): NEW NAME and DEVICE

Per bend sinister gules and azure, a dragon segreant contourny argent and three Celtic crosses one and two Or.

The name is English. While Cullen developed as a surname, late period/post-1500 surnames can be used as given names (Cullen Quintrell was born about 1646 in about 1646 om Camborne, Cornwall, England,https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/2:1:94QB-YDF. James Cullen has a christening date of 1 April 1564 in Hemsby, Norfolk, England, Batch C04500-1,https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NB91-3JB). Ellis is a surname associated with John Ellis, who has a marriage record dated to 26 June 1580 in Saint Giles Cripplegate, London, London England, Batch M02243-1,https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NJ54-J8X. The client desires a male name.

Tobias Wade (Granite Mountain): NEW HOUSEHOLD NAME, Household of Roan Brook, and NEW BADGE

Per chevron inverted azure and argent, a sunburst Or clouded argent and two towers gules.

The personal name was registered June 2015.

Roan Brook loosely translates for Copper Creek , which is a commonly-known feature in the Bagdad, Arizona, mining ares. If these two words cannot be used together in this fashion, I would like to keep any changes along this line of thinking, or possibly make another submission.”–Tobias Wade. Most of the definitions in the COED for Roan are associated with the color/skin of animals, particularly horses, cattle, or a specific type of antelope; it is also a soft, flexible leather of sheepskin used in bookbinding. Reaney and Wilson comment that it is a locative, from Rouen, Normandy: Roen, Roan, Rone 1418-1420 (3rd edition, p. 380 s.n. Roan, Rone). Brookis a locative, residence near a stream or water-meadow, (R&W, 3rd edition, p. 67 s.n. Brook et al, and p. 66 s.n. Brock et al). A 19th C. map shows UK place names of Roan Island, Loch Roan, Roanhead (Crag, Beach and Estate). House rather than Household is likely more accurate. The client is most interested in the meaning of the name.

Vivianna Dalessana (BoAtenveldt): NAME CHANGE, from Millicent Couture, and NEW DEVICE

Argent, a fleur-de-lys and a bordure, all per pale azure and sable.

The client’s original name submission, Millicent Couture, appears on the 20 September 2016 Atenveldt Letter of Intent; she wishes that name withdrawn. The new name is Byzantine Greek. I can find no example of the given name Vivianna, nor was one supplied. (Considering that the given name Vivian was an English masculine given name in the Middle Ages, there could be an issue here.) On the other hand, Withycombe cites the 5th C. St. Vivianus (a man), 3rd Ed., pp. 290-291, so the saint may have been familiar to people in the eastern Roman Empire. And I do find one example of the female name Viviana (single -n-) in “Common Names of the Aristocracy in the Roman Empire During the 6th and 7th Centuries,” Bardas Xiphias,http://heraldry.sca.org/names/byzantine/early_byz_names.html. Hurrah! (The same article finds the female name Anna with two -n-). Anna Dalassena was the mother of Emperof Alexius I Comnenus, 1081-1118, and she served as regent in the early years of her son’s reign (http://www.roman-emperors.org/annadal.htm.). She was the daughter of Alexius Charon and a daughter of Adrian Dalassenus. She maintained her monther’s name because it had greater notoriety than that of her father or her husband. The client desires a female name and is most interested in the spelling.

The following submissions appear in the November 2016 Letter of Intent:

Commentary for the Letter of Presentation was supplied by Brenna Lowri o Ruthin, Coblaith Muimnech, Etienne Le Mons, ffride wlffsdotter, Maridonna Benvenuti and Michael Gerard Curtememoire.

Areus of Sparta: NEW DEVICE CHANGE: Sable, a trident head Or and a bordure parted bordurewise wavy gules and argent.

A division of a bordure in a similar fashion is seen in the registered armory of Akastos Theodorou, Or, a calamarie inverted sable and a bordure parted bordurewise indented argent and sable. () and in the registered armory of Marie de Roelent,Argent, three sea-horses contourny azure, a bordure parted bordurewise wavy azure and argent ( https://oscar.sca.org/index.php?action=145&id=55064,http://heraldry.sca.org/loar/2015/10/15-10lar.html#307 ).

Fenrich der Stürmer Hahn (Tir Ysgithr): NEW NAME and DEVICE: Or, a dunghill cock rising contourny vert maintaining a spear bendwise sinister, a bordure raguly sable.

Michael Gerard Curtememoire: Actually, because we blazon bladed weapons by their blades, this is Or, a dunghill cock rising contourny vert maintaining a spear bendwise sinister argent hafted sable, a bordure raguly sable.

Granite Mountain, Barony of: NEW ORDER NAME, Order of the Emerald Heart of Granite Mountain and NEW BADGE: Per fess indented vert and sable, in chief a bezant charged with a heart vert, a bordure erminois.

Granite Mountain, Barony of: NEW ORDER NAME, Order of the Grace of Granite Mountain

Granite Mountain, Barony of: NEW BADGE: Per fess indented vert and sable, in base an ermine spot Or, a bordure erminois.

Granite Mountain, Barony of: NEW BADGE: Sable, an ermine spot Or, a bordure erminois.

Granite Mountain, Barony of: NEW BADGE

Per fess indented vert and sable, in pale an ermine statant contourny regardant ermine and an ermine spot Or, a bordure erminois.

The territorial name was registered November 2014.

Granite Mountain, Barony of: NEW HERALDIC TITLE, Erminois Pursuivant

The territorial name was registered November 2014.

A Barony is entitled to have titled pursuivant. Parker cites erminois as an heraldic fur, Or with sable spots (pp. 234-5). It appears in most of the Barony’s armory.

Michael Gerard Curtememoire: “All that is said in the head matter here is probably or certainly true, and wholly irrelevant. 
Our sources for acceptable patterns for heraldic titles seem to be “Heraldic Titles from the Middle Ages and Renaissance: Overview” by Julia Smith, http://medievalscotland.org/jes/HeraldicTitles/, and “Heraldic Titles in Medieval England” by Christie L. Ward (Gunnvǫr silfrahárr),http://www.vikinganswerlady.com/Stars/Heraldic_Titles.htm. Both note that the names of charges can be used, in combination with ordinary color words, not heraldic tinctures. Neither shows the name of a tincture being used by itself in a heraldic title.”

However, we’ve based the name on the Ermine King of Arms, an heraldic title associated with Brittany and an important non-SCA title; An Tir saw it protected November 2008.

Granite Mountain, Barony of: BADGE RESUBMISSION for the Order of Peregrine of Granite Mountain: Per fess indented vert and sable,an arrow and bow crossed in saltire Or, a bordure erminois.

Ignacio Diaz de Castile: DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, August 2016:Pean, on a tyger rampant Or a crescent gules, a bordure embattled Or crusilly Santiago gules.

Maria de Venetia (TY): NEW NAME CHANGE

Maria as an Italian name is found several hundred times between 1457 and 1557 in 2014 KWHSS paper “Names from 15th and 16th Century Pisa,” Juliana de Luna, http://heraldry.sca.org/kwhss/2014/#Pisa.

The client asked for a more Italian or Ventian form of the name, originally submitted as Maria of Venice. Maridonna Benvenuti believes that de Venetia would be the medieval Latin spelling. “Dizionario di toponomastica. Storia e significato dei nomi geografici italiani.”, UTET Libreria, print, s.n.Venezia: Il nome di Venezia è una forma dotta (riprende il classico Venetia)… . A translation: the name Venezia is a learned form from the classic Venetia. pp.814-5. 
The Venetia spelling can be found in use in many Italian books when googling the name Venetia at Googlebooks. https://www.google.com/search?lr=lang_it&tbo=p&tbm=bks&q=Venetia&tbs=,bkv:f,bkt:b,cdr:1,cd_min:Dec+2 3_2+1449,cd_max:Dec+31_2+1625&num=10

Mathias Steinson (TY): NEW NAME and DEVICE: Quarterly sable and azure, a butterfly bendwise sinister argent.

ffride wlffsdotter says: Diplomatarium Norvegicum has: <Jfuer Steinson> 1394 (http://www.dokpro.uio.no/perl/middelalder/diplom_vise_tekst_2016.prl?b=4103&s=n&str=Steinson), and <Gudbrander Steinson> 1422 (http://www.dokpro.uio.no/perl/middelalder/diplom_vise_tekst_2016.prl?b=681&s=n&str=Steinson). I think they’re both in the nominative case, but they’re certainly in Middle Norwegian (ie. still Norse).

Michael Gerard Curtememoire: Minimally clear of Anne of Caerdydd’s badge, Jan 1993, (Fieldless) A butterfly argent, wings tipped gules, and Kynedriþ filia Gerald’s device, Oct 2008, (Fieldless) A butterfly bendwise argent. I say minimally because butterflies tergiant (I find) don’t get an SC for orientation under http://heraldry.sca.org/sena.html#A5E5a, “[Change of Posture of] Animate Charges”, but do get a DC under http://heraldry.sca.org/sena.html#A5G7a, “Change of Posture for Animate Charges”. With the other DC for field(less), no conflict.

Músa-Sunnifa (Mons Tonitrus): NEW NAME

Nefratiri Ani : NEW BADGE: (Fieldless) A triskelion of human legs azure.

Valdis Skarpa: NEW DEVICE: Gules, a dragon couchant and on a chief argent three open books sable.

The following submissions are held or returnd for further work by the Atenveldt CoH, November 2016:

Johnathan Crusadene Whitewolf (BA): NEW ALTERNATE NAME, Eber Hauer, and NEW BADGE

Per bend raguly Or and argent, a double-headed eagle sable and a boar’s tusk gules.

Christopher Devereux (Liber) was able to justify the alternate name as a period German name, which might be the only way to register it without making any Major or Minor changes. The only tooth/fang that is permitted in SCA armory is the elephant tusk. I have emailed the client to get clarification on these matters.

HELD for name and badge charge issues.

Músa-Sunnifa: NEW DEVICE

Azure, in bend three estoiles between two bendlets Or, all between two open books argent.

This device is returned for violating SENA A3E1, Arrangement of Charge Groups. This arrangement of two secondary charge groups is not listed in SENA Appendix J, and so may not be registered without documentation that this is a period arrangement of charge groups. Specifically, it would need documentation that primary charges framed by bendlets or other ordinaries appeared on a field with other secondary charges that are not peripheral ordinaries. An example of this undocumented arrangement of charges is seen with the return of Liliona Ruth Hampton’s device submission, http://oscar.sca.org/index.php?action=145&id=60977, and its return,http://heraldry.sca.org/loar/2016/04/16-04lar.html#248. (Also, the blazon was incorrect, and the estoiles should be argent.)

RETURNED for undocumented charge arrangement.

Viktoria of York (Twin Moons): DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, July 2012

Quarterly purpure and argent, in bend two dragonflies argent, and in bend sinister two crosses purpure.

The submission is in violation of SENA’s prohibition of marshalling, A.6. Armory Presumption F.2.c. Multiple Types of Primary Charges: When different sections of the field contain different types of charges, it creates the appearance of marshalling. The client has been emailed with suggestions as how to resolve this so the submission can proceed.

RETURNED for the appearance/prohibition on marshalling.

The following submissions were registered by the SCA College of Arms, September 2016:

Andromeda Lykaina. Name change from Umm Ma’bad Amirah al-Zahra’ bint ‘Abd al-Aziz al-Azhar ibn Malik ibn Mansur.
The submitter’s old name, Umm Ma’bad Amirah al-Zahra’ bint ‘Abd al-Aziz al-Azhar ibn Malik ibn Mansur, is retained as an alternate name.
Collin de Lacy. Name and device. Sable, on a cross Or two spears in cross, the fesswise spear reversed sable, in canton a Lacy knot Or. 
The given name was presented as the submitter’s legal given name. However, the legal given name was not properly attested, as only a single herald attested to the document and no copy of the document was provided. Fortunately, the given name Collin can easily be documented in both French and English, making this name registerable.
Attestations as to the contents of legal documents such as driver’s licenses must be made by two heralds. If a second herald is not available at an event, then another SCA officer, such as a seneschal, may make the attestation in place of the second herald.
Sely Bloxam. Device change. Argent, a bend wavy azure between a gillyflower purpure slipped and leaved vert and a human footprint sable. 
There is a step from period practice for the use of a footprint.
The submitter’s old device, Per bend Or and argent, a gillyflower purpure slipped and leaved vert and a human footprint sable, is released.
Stefan Jäger von Ansbach. Badge. Paly bendy sinister argent and azure, an edelweiss blossom Or and an orle vert.

The following submissions have been returned for further work, September 2016:

Honour Grenehart. Badge. Argent goutty de vin, a labyrinth azure. 
This badge is returned for redraw. The gouttes should not appear in the argent portion of the labyrinth, as a labyrinth is a solid charge, but only be present around it.
On redraw, please advise the submitter to use gouttes of a more period shape, with a longer wavy tail.

The following is pended until the February 2017 CoA meetings for further commentary:
Areus of Sparta. Name change from Phelan Ó Coileáin. 
In commentary, Metron Ariston identified a possible presumption issue: one of the kings of Sparta was named Areus. SENA PN4D1 sets out the standards for whether a historical person is important enough to protect from presumption. It states in relevant part:
‘Sovereign rulers of significant states are generally important enough to protect. Some historical city-states are not considered significant states. Provinces or regions integrated into larger units like the Holy Roman Empire are not generally considered significant states. Sovereigns of small states that did not give rise directly to modern countries will not be protected under this clause, nor will legendary kings of any state (though these kings may be individually important enough to protect).”
Sparta was a Greek city-state. It did not directly give rise to any modern country. Commenters are asked to discuss whether Sparta nevertheless is sufficiently significant to warrant protecting its kings from presumption. Alternatively, commenters should address whether Atreus of Sparta himself was historically significant such that he should be protected from presumption.

Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy

c/o Linda Miku

2527 East 3rd Street

Tucson AZ 85716

