LOP – 25 July 2016, A.S. LI



Unto Their Royal Majesties Cosmo Craven and Elzbieta; Baroness Genevieve de Lironcourt, Aten Principal Herald; Heralds in the Atenveldt College of Heralds; and to All Whom These Presents Come,

Greetings from Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy, Brickbat Herald and Parhelium Herald for the Kingdom of Atenveldt!

This is the August 2016 Atenveldt Letter of Presentation; it precedes the Letter of Intent with submissions considered for the next Letter of Intent. Please have commentary to me by 15 August 2016.

Submission Fee Increase: The fee for new submissions by the S.C.A . College of Arms will increase to $4.00 (from the current $3.00) as of the September 2016 LoAR (I’m not quite sure of the actual date). At this time, there is no intent to increase the current fee for a new submission from the Kingdom of Atenveldt ($7.00).

Heraldry Hut: the August meeting will be held Friday, 19 August 2016, 7:30-10 PM, at the home of Symond Bayard and Marta. Please contact me with questions or directions.

Please consider the following submissions for the August 2016 Atenveldt Letter of Intent:

Caell Robertson (TM): DEVICE CHANGE REUBMISSION from Laurel, December 2014

Sable, two bat-winged, scorpion-tailed lions combatant Or and a bordure rayonny argent.

The name was registered June 2013.

The original submission, Sable, a winged manticore gardant Or., was returned by Laurel “for multiple conflicts. Blazoned on the Letter of Intent as a manticore, manticores in period heraldry do not have wings, and have the face or head of a man. This device presumes upon the important non-SCA arms of Belgium, Sable, a lion rampant Or, and of the important non-SCA arms of the Palatinate of the Rhine, Sable, a lion rampant Or crowned gules, both with a DC for the addition of the wings, but no difference granted for the tail. This device is also in conflict with the device of Cain du Lac, Sable, a winged cat rampant Or within an orle wreathed vert and Or and the device of Cassandra Theodosius, Sable, a winged lion salient and a point pointed Or, both with a single DC for removing the secondary charge.”

If registered, his current device, Per pale argent and sable, a dolmen counterchanged., should be retained as a badge.

Elizabeth Æthelwulfes dohtor (Twin Moons): NEW BADGE

Per pale gules and sable, a Kolovrat and in chief a coronet Or.

The name was registered April 2007. The client has a Court Baroncy 23 June 2012 and a County 7 November 2015; this is to be jointly registered with Morgan Aethelwulfes sunu (name registered April 2007; Court Baroncy 23 June 2012: County 7 November 2015).

The Kolovrat ever found was uncovered in Mezine, Ukraine, carved on an ivory figurine, which dates 12,000 years, and one of the earliest cultures that are known to have used the Swastika was a Neolithic culture in Southern Europe, in the area that is now Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, known as the Vinca Culture, which dates back around 8,000 years. (http://www.slavorum.org/history-and-meaning-of-slavic-swastika-kolovrat/) ( don’t have a great feeling about the use of this charge, but I’d be willing to send it on to see if I’m just being paranoid, or the CoA is against all aspects of a swastika.)

Mons Tonitrus, Barony of: NEW BADGE

Sable, a thunderbolt between flaunches argent all within a bordure denticulada counterchanged.

This is for the Order of the Silver Thunderbolt (name registered January 1991); it is in addition to the previously-registered badge for the Order, Sable, a thunderbolt between flaunches argent all within a bordure counterchanged. (registered January 1992).

Ulrica Anna of Twin Moons (TM): NEW NAME and DEVICE

Per pale argent and vert, a dragon segreant contourny sable and a dandelion blossom Or.

No documentation at all was provided for the name, which is grounds for it being returned. That being said, the closest I find to Ulrica/Ulrika is a post-period feminine Swedish name (all citations in Wikipedia are 1688 or later). Ana (one -n-) can be documented as a Swedish female given name 1500-1600 in “Swedish Feminine Given Names from SMP,” Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/swedish/smp/). Twin Moons is the client’s home residence; the branch name was registered April 1993. The client desires a female name and is most interested in the sound of the name. She will not accept changes to the name.

The following appear in the July 2016 Atenveldt Letter of Intent:

Commentary was provided by Andreas Lucernensis, Brenna Lowri o Ruthin, Etienne Le Mons, ffride wlffsdotter. Juetta Copin. Maridonna Benvenuti, Sorcha inghen Chon Mhara.

Ælfgyfe Æthelwulfesdohtor (Twin Moons): NAME CHANGE from Holding Name Michelle of Twin Moons

Originally submitted as Oriande Æthelwulfesdohter, the name was returned by Laurel January 2016 and a holding name assigned.

Æsa Væna (Tir Ysgithr): DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, January 2016: Per pale purpure and argent, two domestic cats sejant respectant counterchanged argent and sable, on a chief vert an ivy vine Or.
The name was registered January 2016. The original device was returned for contrast issues by Laurel: “Blazoned on the Letter of Intent as Per pale purpure and argent, two domestic cats sejant respectant argent and sable, on a chief vert an ivy vine Or, the vine is actually sable with Or leaves and thus has insufficient contrast with the vert chief.” A completely Or vine is now used.

Aldontza Nafarra (TY): DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, July 2012: Argent, three falcons striking contourny in annulo vert.

The name was registered July 2012.

The original submission, Argent, in pall three falcons striking, claws to center, vert., was returned “for not being reliably blazonable, which is a violation of section VII.7.b of the Rules for Submissions, and section A1C of the Standards for Evaluation, both of which require an emblazon to be describable in heraldic terms. Long-standing precedent does not allow animate charges to be inverted except when they are part of a standard arrangement such as in annulo. The posture and orientation of the birds here is difficult to adequately describe, and so this must be returned.” The wings were in a “V” shape over the backs of the birds, which doesn’t follow a standard heraldic orientation of wings (not rising, not stooping, not arranged so there is a wing on either side of a bird’s body). This resolves that issue. The blazon is borrowed in part from the registered armory of Már í Miklagarði: Quarterly gules and argent, four ravens in annulo counterchanged.

Argouanagus of Scythia (BoA): NEW NAME and DEVICE: Argent, on a chevron between two chess knights and a wolf’s head cabossed sable a plate.

Brígiða Finnvarðardóttir (Mons Tonitrus): NEW NAME

Gunnvor Orle writes: http://www.vikinganswerlady.com/ONNames.shtml, “Certain men’s names form their genitive in -ar. Most of these are names ending in -dr, but others are included: “…-varðr…” Hence, the submitter’s hunch is correct, Finnvarðardóttir.”

Conrad Bombast von Trittenheim (TM): NEW DEVICE CHANGE: Argent, a moth and on a chief sable four nails argent.

Duncan the Sinister (TM): NEW NAME and DEVICE and BADGE

Device: Argent, a badger rampant contourny regardant proper, a chief embattled sable.

Badge: (Fieldless) On a plate a badger’s head erased proper within an orle of six pellets.

Etienne Le Mons comments: “Since we don’t register charged roundels on a fieldless badge, this would be reblazoned as: Argent, a badger’s head erased proper within an annulet of six pellets.” (Although a badge is submitted on a square, it can be rendered upon any shape of field. Having it in annulo guarantees that the pellets are arranged in a circle around the badger’s head, too.)

Elena Maria Suberria (MT): NAME RESUBMISSION from Laurel, January 2016

The original name submission Elena Maria de Suberria, was returned because documentation supported Suberria, but not the preposition; she allowed no Major Changes to the name, so the preposition couldn’t be dropped and the submissions had to be returned. Elena is a female given name found in “Spanish Names from the Late 15th Century: Women’s Names in Alphabetical Order,” Juliana de Luna,http://heraldry.sca.org/names/

isabella/WomensGivenAlpha.htmlMaria is found as a given name and Suberria, “new-hearth,” is a 13th-14th byname, both found in “Basque Feminine Names,” Aryanhwy merch Catmael,http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/spanish/basque.html. Laurel notes that the pattern of using Basque elements with Castilian name construction is supported by the article “Basque Onomastics of the Eighth to Sixteenth Centuries” by Karen Larsdatter (http://www.larsdatter.com/basque/index.htm).

Elezabeth Dayseye (Tir Ygithr): NEW DEVICE: Purpure, semy of daisies Of, a unicorn counchant contourny and on a chief argent an arrow fesswise to sinister azure.

Emeludt von Zerssen (TM): NEW NAME and DEVICE: Argent, a chevron rompu azure between two peacocks close regardant and a seeblatt azure.

Brenna Lowri notes corrects for the peacocks being respectant, not regardant, and for being proper.

Eoda Blauschild (Sundragon): NEW NAME CHANGE from Angelica Blauschild

Felipe Mendo de Eslava del Montoya (SD): NEW NAME and DEVICE: Per bend sinister argent and Or, a boar statant gules and a lupine azure, slipped and leaved vert.

Finnvarðr Snæbiarnarson (MT): NEW DEVICE: Per bend vert and argent, a boar’s head erased and a quiver with three arrows bendwise counterchanged.

Harrier Herald comments: From the May 2012 Cover Letter: “In short, if the charges in a single charge group do not have comparable postures, they are not in violation of the “identical postures/orientations” part of the rule. The charge group as a whole must still be in a standard arrangement.” This precedent is not overturned by the January 2016 Cover Letter. Further, the head of a beast is a “compact” charge, while a quiver is a “long skinny” charge, so they are not comparable. There is no unity issue.

Gaius Clodius Pugnax (TM): NEW NAME

Pugnax is found as a cognomen in two sources, A Study of the Cognomina of Soldiers in the Roman Legions By Lindley Richard Dean https://books.google.com/books?id=3AErAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA128&lpg=PA128&dq=pugnax+cognomen&source=bl&ots=e2zXRHCVWS&sig=tMJsJF1hZNIukGJTco4gC50UdAo&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwivv5SFk-fMAhWypYMKHV7cCFsQ6AEIHTAA# v=onepage&q=pugnax%20cognomen&f=false; and in a 2010 submission, Aryanhwy merch Catmael was able to find cognomina with negative meanings in Kajanto, Iiro. The Latin cognomina (Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 1965): Examples include pugnax as quarrelsome or troublesome: Pugnax, Turbantiuis, Rixa http://atensubmissions.nexiliscom.com/8-2010LoP.shtml

Grigor Medvedev (TY): DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, June 2014: Azure, two bears combattant Or, on a chief argent, three Latin crosses gules.

The name was registered June 2014. The original device submission, Azure, two bears combattant Or and on a chief argent a Latin cross between two mullets of eight points gules., was returned” for violating our protection of the Red Cross, “the use of a red straight armed cross with flat, couped ends to the arms on any white background, or in any way that could be displayed on a white background, including as a tertiary charge, even if some of the arms are elongated so that it is not blazonable exactly as a cross couped gules.” [Thomas der Kreuzfahrer, R-Middle, January 2009 LoAR]”. Changing the tertiary charges to multiple red (Latin) crosses resolves the issue; the emblems that the legal restrictions relate to are just the ones listed in the Geneva Conventions.

Hamasaki Eiwa Miyako (MT): NEW NAME and DEVICE: Sable, a moon in her plentitude argent and a ford.

Jaep Van Doornik (TM): NEW NAME

Jakob the Bald (SD): NEW NAME CHANGE, from Garrett Fitzpatrick

James Thorn de Lyon (TM): NEW HOUSEHOLD NAME and BADGE, La Maison du Repaire du Lyon: Sable, in pale a lion dormant Or and a house argent.

In Cotgreve’s 1611 A Dictionaries of the French and English Tonguesrepaire is “a lodging or haunt…the denne, or covert wherein a wild beast lurks.” It appears that the spelling for the beast should be lion, and that the placename is Lyon, and with household names registered with the CoA with those using Maison, that the article La isn’t necessary.

Koga Takashirou Kagehiro (MT): NEW NAME and DEVICE: Argent, a pair of calipers, in chief a pair of swords cross in saltire and a point point ploye sable.

Andreas Lucernensis comments: “Are we OK with the discrepancy between generic “swords” in the blazon and the very, very specific katanas in the emblazon? Secondly, I read the calipers as primary and the swordatanas as secondary. . . but the swords a quite big. Could there be a confusion between charge groups?” I would think with the thinness of the weapons in chief, they will be considered as secondary charges, and that the calipers is very easily the sole, primary charge.

Lilie Simmons (TM): NEW NAME and DEVICE: Per bend argent and purpure, a dragonfly vert and a lotus blossom in profile argent.

Maridonna Benvenuti: Additional docs for Simmons, England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975, Thomas Simmons, male, 18 Nov 1580, All Saints, Bristol, Gloucester, England. Father was Thomas Simmons. (Batch) Number C17270-1. https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:N2LF-NY1

Lucia Van Doornik (TM): NEW NAME and DEVICE: Azure, a horse rampant and on a chief argent three tulips slipped and leaved gules.

Massimo Rosa da Milano (SD): NEW NAME

The name is Italian. Massimo is a male given name found in “Italian Names from the Online Tratte of Office Holders 1282-1532,” Aryanhwy merch Catmael, http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/italian/tratte/. The male given name Rosa is found in “A Listing of all Men’s Given Names from the Condado Section of the Florence Catasto of 1427,” Juliana de Luna, https://www.s-gabriel.org/names/juliana/condado/mensalpha.html. The locative da Milano, “from Milan,” is found in “Fourteenth Century Venetian Personal Names,” Arval Benicoeur and Talan Gwynek, https://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/venice14/. SENA notes that double given names are seen in Italian and that locative bynames in the northern and central areas normally take theda X form. The client desires a male name and is most interested in the meaning and language/culture of of the name (Italian, and wanting to be from Milan).

Mons Tonitrus, Barony of: NEW BADGE

Per fess sable and argent, three chevronels braced counterchanged and on a chief embattled argent a pellet.

This is for the Order of the Sable Chevronels of Mons Tonitrus (name registered January 1991); it is in addition to the previously-registered badge for the Order, Per fess sable and argent, three chevronels braced counterchanged and on a chief argent a pellet. (registered June 1992).

Mons Tonitrus, Barony of: NEW BADGE

Per chevron throughout argent and sable, three harps and a bordure denticulada counterchanged.

This is for the Order of the Sable Harps of Mons Tonitrus (name registered January 1991); it is in addition to the previously-registered badge for the Order, Per chevron throughout argent and sable, three harps counterchanged. (registered January 1991).

Mons Tonitrus, Barony of: NEW BADGE

Argent, a sheaf of arrows between flaunches sable all within a bordure denticulada counterchanged.

This is for the Order of the Sable Arrows (name registered November 2003); it is in addition to the previously-registered badge for the Order, Argent, a sheaf of arrows between flaunches sable all within a bordure counterchanged. (registered November 2003).

Mons Tonitrus, Barony of: NEW BADGE

Sable, morion helm within a bordure denticulada argent.

This is for the Order of the Silver Morion of Mons Tonitrus (name registered January 1991); it is in addition to the previously-registered badge for the Order, Sable, a morion helm within a bordure argent. (registered January 1992).

Natasiia of Nyenskans (TY): NEW NAME CHANGE from Mariyah al-Madiniyah

Juetta Copin comments: “If we know for sure that Nyenskans did not exist in period, I don’t think the grey-period documentation can be used to register it. (Also, it seems the correct lingua anglica form is Nyenschantz. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyenschantz )”. Any assistance that can be offered in finding this as a pre-1600 settlement would be appreciated.

Nia the Pict (SD): NEW NAME and DEVICE

Gules, a natural seahorse Or and a bordure argent.

The original name submission, Nai Metzli Quetzaxochitl, was returned by the Atenveldt CoH August 2015 for lack of documentation, other than stating that it was Mayan (my own checking showed it to be Nahuatl/Aztec, and a question as to whether a goddess name could be used for humans or not went unanswered). Nia is shown as the female *Nia Lister with the christening date of 25 February 1643, St. Mary’s Church, Gisburn, Lancashire, England, GS film 001657526,https://familysearch.org/search/record/results?count=20&query=%2Bgivenname%3ANia%20%2Bbirth_place%3AEngland~%20%2Bbirth_year%3A1000-1650~. The most recent registration of Pict was for Neot the Pict, November 2015. “Consideration of Pictish Names,” Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn, the Late Latin term Picti (late 3rd C., probably a nickname given them by Roman soldiers), is usually derived from picti, “painted.” Neot the Pict is her lord. The client desires a female name and is most interested in the language/culture of the name.

Runa Gígja (TY): NEW NAME

Tóka Kolbiarnardóttir (MT): NEW NAME CHANGE and NEW DEVICE CHANGE from Astríðr Kolbiarnardóttir: Per chevron inverted argent and gules, a bear dormant sable and a mushroom argent, the cap spotted gules.

Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy

c/o Linda Miku

2527 East 3rd Street

Tucson AZ 85716

