LOP – 5 January 2017, A.S. LI



Unto Their Royal Majesties Morgan and Elizabeth; Baroness Genevieve de Lironcourt, Aten Principal Herald; Heralds in the Atenveldt College of Heralds; and to All Whom These Presents Come,

Greetings of the New Year from Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy, Brickbat Herald and Parhelium Herald for the Kingdom of Atenveldt!

This is the January 2017 Atenveldt Letter of Presentation, for the January 2017 LoI; it precedes the Letter of Intent with submissions considered for the next Letter of Intent. Please have your commentary made by 20 January .

Heraldry Hut: will be held on Friday, January, at the home of Symond and Marta, 7:30 PM. Please email one of us if you have questions or need directions.

Please consider the following submissions for the January 2017 Atenveldt Letter of Intent:

Áilgheanán mac Síthigh (Twin Moons): NEW DEVICE

Or, a Celtic hound passant regardant vert, in chief a sword, a Battersea shield and a boarspear Or.

The name was registered via Meridies February 2001.

We don’t register beasts or monsters drawn in a particular style or motif; a dog or boar or raven is registered as simply that, but the client can give it flourishes associated with Celtic knotwork or something like that once it has been registered. Of more concern is that the submission will be returned for the use of three dissimilar charges (sword, shield and spear) in the same charge group (here, tertiary charges on the chief). (The Battersea shield appears mostly having to do with the outline of the shield, similar to a cartouche, rather than embellishments found upon it.)

Amber Bikkadóttir (TM): NEW DEVICE

Per chevron inverted vert semy of cat’s pawprints argent, and sable, a domestic cat couchant contourny paly Or and sable and a tree eradicated argent.

The name was registered via Meridies June 2012.

The chevron inverted needs to issue from the sides of the field, not the upper corners of the field. This will reduce the space for the tree, but this seems to be permitted by the College of Arms. Please be aware that the uncolored copy of the device should match the colored copies; not being the same is a reason for return.

François Barbe-d’Or (Barony of Atenveldt): NEW NAME and DEVICE

Per bend sinister gules and argent, a Paschal lamb passant regardant proper and a cross formy gules.

François is a French male given name found in “Names from Artois, 1601,” Aryanhwy merch Catmael,http://heraldry.sca.org/names/french/french1601.htmlBarbe-d’Or is a locative byname found in “Inn Signs and House Names in 15th Century Paris,” Juliana de Luna,http://medievalscotland.org/jes/ParisInnHouseNames/. The client desires a male name and is most interested in the language and/or culture of the name (French). He will not accept Major changes to the name.

The Paschal lamb registered by Galen of Bristol in March 2013 was blazoned simply as “argent,” although the cross on its banner is gules. Isabel de Annesley’s Pashal lamb, registered June 2014, is blazoned as argent, although the cross on its banner is gules and the halo is Or. Alisoun MacCoul notes in commentary for Isabel’s submission, “While the lamb is haloed Or and its banner is the standard argent and gules ensign of Saint George, of late we have been omitting such details from blazon. . .” I’m using the blazon as it was submitted.

Please consider the following submissions for the December 2016 Atennveldt Letter of Intent:

Ceallach Colquhoun (Sundragon): NEW HOUSEHOLD NAME, Red Dragon Keep

The personal name was registered June 2006.

Company of the Red Dragon is registered to Tristram O’Shee, and House of the Red Dragons is registered to Anastasia MacEwan de Ravenna and Juliana Red MacLachlan. Per SENA, 3. Substantial Change of Single-Syllable Name Element: Two names whose substantive elements are two words or less and have a comparable single-syllable name element (excluding articles and prepositions, like de and the) are eligible for this rule. Comparable single-syllable name elements are substantially different in sound if a group of adjacent vowels or of adjacent consonants within a word is completely changed, so that they have no sound in common. In rare cases, the sound may still be too similar for this rule to clear the conflict. The change of a single letter is sufficient for two eligible name phrases to be different in appearance, as such name phrases are quite short. On a case by case basis, two-syllable names phrases may be eligible for this rule, such as Harry and Mary (http://heraldry.sca.org/sena.html#NPN3),

Keep is an acceptable household designator, http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/CompiledNamePrecedents/Designations.html#Keep. The client is willing to accept Red Dragon Keep of Sundragon if a conflict is found (Sundragon is a baronial designator register September 1984). She is most interested in the meaning of the name.

The following submissions appear in the December 2017 Letter of Intent:

Commentary was provided by Basil Dragonstrike Coblaith Muimnech, ffride wlffsdotter, Juetta Copin, Michael Gerard Curtememoire, Seraphina Delfino and Sorcha inghen Chon Mhara.

Cullen Ellis (Sundragon): NEW NAME and DEVICE: Per bend sinister gules and azure, a dragon segreant contourny argent and three Celtic crosses one and two Or.

>Gallant O’Driscole (Tir Ysgithr): NEW BADGE: (Fieldless) A roundel vert conjoined in fess to two snakes nowed palewise addorsed argent.

The name was registered August 2003.

The posture for the snakes is taken from the registered armory for Justa Vucheselin von Schlangen: Sable, in pale three wolf’s pawprints between in fess two snakes nowed palewise addorsed argent. (registered January 2006)

>Gunnvarðr Egilsson (Mons Tonitrus): NEW DEVICE: Or, a phoenix head to sinister gules, a bordure engrailed azure.

The name was registered September 2015.

Compare with Fionn Bàn: Or, a phoenix azure rising from flames gules, a bordure azure. There is 1 DC for changing the tincture of the primary charge (from part azure/part gules to all gules), and 1 DC for the complex line of division on the bordure.

>Kára Hanadóttir (TY): NEW BADGE: (Fieldless) A harp sable within and conjoined to three calla lilies in triangle argent, slipped and leaved vert.

The name was registered June 2012.

“In triangle” has been used in blazonry for some long, thin charges:

East, Kingdom of the (badge, October 1987): (Fieldless) A goutte between three barley stalks in triangle Or.

Grímólfr Skúlason (badge, September 2014): Gules, three drinking horns fretted in triangle mouths inward and on a chief argent a valknut between two ravens respectant sable.
Shauna of Carrick Point (badge, March 1987): Vert, three flutes in triangle argent.

Kamejima Saburou Takauji (device, March 2003): Vert, three lathes fretted in triangle within an annulet argent.

In some cases, in annulo is retained in the blazon:

Mairghread Murdoch (device, January 2008): Argent, a thistle proper between three arrows in annulo sable flighted gules.

“In this case the phrase in annulo refers to the fact that the arrows are following each other head-to-tail. They are in as much of a circle as is possible for three long, straight charges.”

Liam Warr (TY): NEW NAME and DEVICE: Argent, three pallets gules, a mullet of seven points sable.

The name is English. Liam is a late 16th C. English surname found in the Family Search Historical Records as Joana Liam; Female; Marriage; 1592; Elsworth, Cambridge, England; Batch: M13053-1. It can also be used as a given name by precedent. [Alton of Grimfells, 4/2010 LoAR, A-East]. Warr is dated to 10 March 1597 as the christening date for John Warr in Yetminster, Dorset, Englansd, Batch C16031-1,https://familysearch.org/search/record/results?count=20&query=%2Bsurname%3AWarr~%20%2Bbirth_place%3AEngland~%20%2Bbirth_year%3A1400-1650~.

Master Kedivor Tal ap Cadugon has kindly provided Permission for Liam’s device submission to conflict with his registered badge, Barry vert and Or, a mullet sable.

Músa-Sunnifa (MT): NEW DEVICE: Azure, three estoiles argent between two bendlets Or, all between two open books argent.

The name appears in the 30 November 2016 Atenveldt Letter of Intent.

This device was originally returned for violating SENA A3E1, Arrangement of Charge Groups: “This arrangement of two secondary charge groups is not listed in SENA Appendix J, and so may not be registered without documentation that this is a period arrangement of charge groups. Specifically, it would need documentation that primary charges framed by bendlets or other ordinaries appeared on a field with other secondary charges that are not peripheral ordinaries.” An example of this undocumented arrangement of charges is seen with the return of Liliona Ruth Hampton’s device submission, http://oscar.sca.org/index.php?action=145&id=60977, and its return, http://heraldry.sca.org/loar/2016/04/16-04lar.html#248. (Also, the blazon was incorrect, and the estoiles should be argent, and that has been corrected.)

The client has done additional work on her own and demonstrates the registration of the armory for Malkyn of the Cheviot Hills, registered December 2013, Gules, three suns between two bendlets Or, all between two bees Or marked sable., with the emblazon seen at https://oscar.sca.org/index.php?action=145&id=35875. The charges on Músa-Sunnifa’s submission are identical in placement to those on Malkyn’s armory, and Malkyn’s submission was registered without comment. Because of this, we send on this submission for final consideration by the College of Arms. Our blazon was modified to match the pattern of Malkyn’s.

Nikolaus Martin (TY): NEW NAME and DEVICE: Per pale sable and gules, a chi-rho argent and a double-headed eagle Or, on a chief argent a cross of Jerusalem sable.

The name is German. Nikolaus is a male given name, second only to Johann in the period 1451-1550, according to Volkmar Hellfritzsch’s Vogtländische Personennamen (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1969) (“Late Period German Masculine Given Names,” Talan Gwynek, https://www.s-gabriel.org/names/talan/germmasc/). Martin is a patronymic surname found in “German Names from 1495: Surnames,” Aryanhwy merch Catmael, http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/german/surnames1495h-m.html. The client desires a male name and is most interested in the sound of the name.

Tobias Wade (GM): NEW HOUSEHOLD NAME and BADGE: Per chevron inverted grady azure and argent, a sunburst Or clouded argent and two towers gules.

The name was registered June 2015.

Roan Brook loosely translates for Copper Creek, which is a commonly-known feature in the Bagdad, Arizona, mining ares. If these two words cannot be used together in this fashion, I would like to keep any changes along this line of thinking, or possibly make another submission.”–Tobias Wade. Unfortunately, most of the definitions in the COED for Roan are associated with the color/skin of animals, particularly horses, cattle, or a specific type of antelope; it is also a soft, flexible leather of sheepskin used in bookbinding. Reaney and Wilson comment that it is a locative, from Rouen, Normandy: Roen, Roan, Rone 1418-1420 (3rd edition, p. 380 s.n. Roan, Rone). Brook is a locative surname, a residence near a stream or water-meadow (and a brook is a physical geographical locale itself) (R&W, 3rd edition, p. 67 s.n. Brook et al, and p. 66 s.n. Brock et al). A 19th C. map shows UK place names of Roan Island, Loch Roan, Roanhead (Crag, Beach and Estate). After some amount of discussion, it appears that Roan, being a surname, could be used as Household of Roans Brook. I’ve spoken with the client, and he’s agreeable with this.

Vivianna Dalessana (BoAtenveldt): NAME CHANGE, from Millicent Couture, and NEW DEVICE:Argent, a fleur-de-lys and a bordure, all per pale azure and sable.

ffride wlffsdotter demonstrated in the Prosopography of the Byzantine World(http://db.pbw.kcl.ac.uk/jsp/index.jsp) s.n. Dalassenos: Dalassene, magistrissa, early-mid 12th C.; Anna Dalassene, mid-11th to early 12th D.; Maria Dalassene, protoproedrissa*, mid-late 11th C.; and Xene Dalassene, nun, mid-late 11th C. The -ne ending here occurs in Byzantine Greek is because it is the feminine of –nos. ffride believes that this might be a Latinisation, given her father’s name is written as Dalassenus. If the byname is Latin, then the given name Viviana (with, again, a single -n-) also appears in 13-14th C. Italy: “Viviana,” in S. L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2016, no. 4. (http://dmnes.org/2016/4/name/Viviana). SENA Appendix C says Italian and Greek name elements can be mixed. 
The client desires a female name. She also is most interested in the spelling of the name, so the Latinized form is likely more acceptable to her.

The following submissions are held or returned for further work by the Atenveldt CoH, November 2016:

Johnathan Crusadene Whitewolf (BA): NEW ALTERNATE NAME, Eber Hauer, and NEW BADGE

Per bend raguly Or and argent, a double-headed eagle sable and a boar’s tusk gules.

Christopher Devereux (Liber) was able to justify the alternate name as a period German name, which might be the only way to register it without making any Major or Minor changes. The only tooth/fang that is permitted in SCA armory is the elephant tusk. I have emailed the client to get clarification on these matters.

HELD for name and badge charge issues.

Viktoria of York (Twin Moons): DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, July 2012

Quarterly purpure and argent, in bend two dragonflies argent, and in bend sinister two crosses purpure.

The submission is in violation of SENA’s prohibition of marshalling, A.6. Armory Presumption F.2.c. Multiple Types of Primary Charges: When different sections of the field contain different types of charges, it creates the appearance of marshalling. The client has been emailed with suggestions as how to resolve this so the submission can proceed.

RETURNED for the appearance/prohibition on marshalling.

The following submissions were registered by the SCA College of Arms, October 2016:

Æsa Væna. Device. Per pale purpure and argent, two domestic cats sejant respectant counterchanged argent and sable, on a chief vert an ivy vine Or. 
Aldontza Nafarra. Device. Argent, in annulo three falcons contourny striking in annulo vert. 
There is a step from period practice for the use of charges in annulo not in their default palewise orientation.
Argouanagos of Scythia. Name and device. Argent, on a chevron between two chess knights and a wolf’s head cabossed sable a plate. 
Submitted as Argouanagus of Scythia, the wholly Greek form of the given name found in the documentation is Argouanagos. With the submitter’s permission, we have made this change.
Brígiða Finnvarðardóttir. Name. 
The submitter may be interested to know that both name elements are Norse versions of Irish names, making this an excellent name for a Norse woman with Irish roots or one living in or around Ireland.
Conrad Bombast von Trittenheim. Device change. Argent, a moth and on a chief sable four tiler’s nails argent. 
The submitter’s old device, Argent, a bat-winged manticore segreant gules, headed and winged sable, is retained as a badge.
Duncan the Sinister. Name and device. Argent, a badger rampant regardant contourny sable marked argent, a chief embattled sable. 
In February 2015, we accepted the name Xavier the Sinister (A-An Tir), ruling:
Appendix A of SENA allows the use of marked and unmarked descriptive/occupational bynames in French. Examples of descriptive or occupational bynames from the 15th and 16th centuries include Cordewanier/le CordewanierDevin/Le DevinVillain/Le Villain, and Mauwin/Le Mauwin, all found in Domhnall na Moicheirghe’s article, “Names from Lallaing 1384 – 1600” (http://heraldry.sca.org/names/lallaing_names.html). Therefore le Senestre is a plausible form of the attested 15th century French Senestre, and we can allow the lingua Anglica form, the Sinister. Based on this ruling, the Sinister is registerable here as a lingua Anglican form of a French byname. Scots and French are an acceptable lingual mix under Appendix C.
Duncan the Sinister. Badge. Argent, a badger’s head erased sable marked argent between six pellets in annulo. 
Elena Maria Suberria. Name. 
The submitter’s original name, Elena Maria de Suberria, was returned on the January 2016 LoAR (R-Atenveldt) because the documentation did not support the marked form de Suberria and the submitter did not allow us to drop the preposition. As resubmitted without the preposition, the name is registrable as a combination of Castilian Spanish and Basque elements.
Elezabeth Dayseye. Device. Purpure semy of daisies Or, a unicorn couchant contourny and on a chief argent an arrow azure. 
Elise la Galante. Name and device. Or, a female archer statant drawing a bow and arrow to sinister vert, on a chief embattled azure a demi-sun issuant from chief Or. 
The word galante shows up in late period French as an adjective or occupational term, meaning “courtesan.” Numerous examples of marked occupational or descriptive bynames in French found in Aryanhwy merch Catmael’s “French Surnames from Paris, 1421, 1423 & 1438” (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/french/paris1423surnames.html). Therefore, a marked byname such as la galante is plausible.
The submitter requested authenticity for 12th-14th century France. This name does not meet that request because none of the elements could be documented in French for that time period.
Emeludt von Zerssen. Name (see RETURNS for device). 
The submitter requested authenticity for 14th-15th century German language/culture. This name is not authentic for that period because we were not able to find evidence of the byname that early. However, it is registerable.
Eoda Blauschild. Name change from Angelica Blauschild. 
The submitter’s previous name, Angelica Blauschild, is retained as an alternate name.
Blauschild is grandfathered to the submitter, and thus may be combined with the 8th century Anglo-Saxon given name Eoda.
Felipe Mendo de Eslava de Montoya. Name and device. Per bend sinister argent and Or, a boar statant gules and a lupine azure slipped and leaved vert. 
Submitted as Felipe Mendo de Eslava del Montoya, no documentation was provided and none could be found for this name pattern. The submitter allowed no major changes to the name, but permitted the byname to be changed to de Montoya if necessary for registration. Since such a change was necessary, we made it.
Gaius Clodius Pugnax. Name. 
The submitter requested authenticity for “Roman Republican Era.” The praenomen and the nomen were both found during the Republican era and the cognomen Pugnax was found in inscriptions prior to 79 C.E. Thus, it is possible (and even likely) that the name is authentic for Rome during the Republic, but we cannot say for sure.
Grigor Medvedev. Device. Azure, two bears combattant Or, on a chief argent three Latin crosses gules. 
Precedent states: When we re-defined the protection for the cross symbol of the Red Cross, we stated that multiple crosses will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Since there is more than one cross on this design, and both crosses are Latinate crosses, this design is not considered to infringe on the symbol of the International Committee of the Red Cross.[Alexander of Lancaster, Dec 2010, A-Outlands]
Here we have a similar situation and this device is registerable.
Jaep Van Doornik. Name. 
The byname Van Doornik was not dated to period in the documentation provided in the LoI. However, commenters found it dated to the gray period in Resolutien van Holland (https://books.google.com/books?id=x2JJAAAAcAAJ).
By precedent, “[a]lthough prepositions like van are typically found in lower case, capitalization varies in the Low Countries in period.” [Claaerkin Van Dalle, Nov 2015]. Therefore, the submitted Van Doornik is registerable.
Jakob the Bald. Name change from Garrett Fitzpatrick. 
The submitter’s previous name, Garret Fitzpatrick, is released.
The byname the Bald is the lingua Anglica form of the documented byname le Bald’, found in Reaney & Wilson dated to 1178.
James Thorn de Lyon. Badge (see RETURNS for household name). Sable, in pale a lion dormant Or and a house argent. 
Jnnifer of Mons Tonitrus. 
Holding name and device (see RETURNS for name). Sable, a moon in her plenitude argent and a ford proper. 
Submitted under the name Hamasaki Eiwa Miyako.
Koga Takashirou Kagehiro. Name and device. Argent, a pair of calipers, in chief a pair of katanas in saltire, a point pointed sable. 
The use of katanas, a non-European artifact, is a step from period practice.
Lilie Simmons. Name and device. Per bend argent and purpure, a dragonfly vert and a lotus blossom in profile argent. 
Liber found documentation for the female given name Lylie in the FamilySearch Historical Records dated to 1584 in London, England. As there is substantial evidence that i and y were used interchangeably in Early Modern English, the spelling Lylie supports the submitted Lilie. Nice 16th century English name!
Lucia Van Doornik. Name and device. Azure, a horse rampant and on a chief argent three tulips slipped and leaved gules. 
The byname Van Doornik was not dated to period in the documentation provided in the LoI. However, commenters found it dated to the gray period in Resolutien van Holland (https://books.google.com/books?id=x2JJAAAAcAAJ).
By precedent, “[a]lthough prepositions like van are typically found in lower case, capitalization varies in the Low Countries in period.” [Claaerkin Van Dalle, Nov 2015]. Therefore, the submitted Van Doornik is registerable.
Massimo Rosa da Milano. Name. 
Mons Tonitrus, Barony of. Badge for Order of the Sable Harps of Mons Tonitrus. Per chevron argent and sable, three harps and a bordure denticulada counterchanged. 
This badge is registered in addition to the currently registered badge for the Order.
Mons Tonitrus, Barony of. Badge for Order of the Silver Morion of Mons Tonitrus. Sable, a morion and a bordure denticulada argent. 
This badge is registered in addition to the currently registered badge for the Order.
Nia the Pict. Name and device. Gules, a natural seahorse Or and a bordure argent
As documented, this name combined a 17th century English given name with a lingua Anglica rendering of a late 3rd century Latin descriptive byname. This documentation resulted in a 1300-year gap between the elements, which is far more than what is permitted by SENA PN2C. In commentary, Aldyrne and Rocket found evidence of Nia as an 8th century Irish Gaelic male name, with an earliest date of 722 CE. Nia the Pictthus can be registered as a Gaelic name, with the lingua Anglica form the Pict based on the documented Old Gaelic descriptive byname Cruithnech. The submitter requested authenticity for “Pictish, 360 AD during the Roman invasion/occupation of Britain.” This name does not meet that request, as there is no evidence of Niaas a Pictish given name.
Runa Gigja. Name. 
Submitted as Runa Gígja, Appendix D requires that transliterations of Old Norse use or omit accents consistently throughout the name. We therefore have dropped the accent in the byname for registration. If the submitter prefers all accents to be included, she may submit a request for reconsideration.
Tóka Kolbiarnardóttir. Name change from Astríðr Kolbiarnardóttir (see RETURNS for device). 
The byname Kolbiarnardóttir is grandfathered to the submitter. Her previous name, Astríðr Kolbiarnardóttiris retained as an alternate name. The submitter requested authenticity for “Old Norse/Danish.” Although this name combines an Old Norse element with a Danish element, it is not authentic because the two elements were not found at the same place and time.

The following submissions have been returned by the CoA October 2016 for further work:

Ælfgyfe Æthelwulfesdohtor. Name change from holding name Michelle of Twin Moons. 
This submission must be returned because there was no name form provided.
Emeludt von Zerssen. Device. Argent, a chevron rompu azure between two peacocks respectant proper and a seeblatt azure. 
This device is returned for a redraw, for violating the guidelines set forth on the May 2011 Cover Letter for a properly drawn chevron; the chevron rompu here is too low. Please see that Cover Letter for further discussion and details of how to properly draw a chevron.
Finnvarðr Snæbiarnarson. Device. Per bend vert and argent, a boar’s head erased and a quiver with three arrows bendwise counterchanged. 
This device is returned for violating SENA A3D2c, Unity of Posture and Orientation, which states “The charges within a charge group should be in either identical postures/orientations or an arrangement that includes posture/orientation”. The charges here are not in a unified arrangement, as the orientations of the head and quiver must be blazoned separately.
Hamasaki Eiwa Miyako. Name. 
This name must be returned because the element Eiwa is not appropriate for personal names during the SCA’s period. Eiwa is an “era” name; in other words, it was an element used to name time periods, not people. Era names were not incorporated into personal names before 1868. Additionally, Hamasaki is not a correct transliteration of the Japanese elements. Keystone advised that the correct transliteration is Hamazaki. This name would be registerable as Hamazaki Miyako, but the submitter does not allow any changes. Therefore, it must be returned. Her device is registered under the holding name Jennifer of Mons Tonitrus.
James Thorn de Lyon. Household name La Maison du Repaire du Lyon. Unfortunately, this household name must be returned, as no evidence was provided (and none was found by commenters) that it matches a period pattern for naming households or groups of people.
Mons Tonitrus, Barony of. Badge for Order of the Sable Arrows. Argent, a sheaf of arrows between flaunches sable, overall a bordure denticulada counterchanged. 
This badge is returned due to the bordure denticulada surmounting the flaunches. While flaunches may be charged, a bordure surmounting flaunches has long been cause for return. While the group has two badges registered with a bordure surmounting flaunches, those badges have a simple bordure. Therefore the grandfather clause cannot be used to register this badge as SENA A2B3 states that “Only the exact, actual elements which are registered may be used, not variants or patterns.
Mons Tonitrus, Barony of. Badge for Order of the Sable Chevronels of Mons Tonitrus. Per fess sable and argent, three chevronels braced counterchanged and on a chief embattled argent a pellet. 
This badge is returned for redraw. As depicted, there is confusion as to whether this is a per fess field with a chief that is higher than the upper section of the divided field or more likely a fess embattled that is too high on the field. On resubmission, please let the submitter know that the chief should be placed above two equally divided per fess sections.
Natasiia of Nyenskans. Name change from Mariyah al-Madiniyah. 
This name submission was withdrawn by the submitter.
Tóka Kolbiarnardóttir. Device change. Per chevron inverted argent and gules, a bear dormant sable and a mushroom argent the cap spotted gules
This device is returned for redraw, for violating SENA A2C2 which states “Elements must be drawn to be identifiable.” Commenters had trouble identifying the dormant bear. On resubmission please advise the submitter to separate the limbs from the body and add more internal details so the bear is recognizable.


Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy

c/o Linda Miku

2527 East 3rd Street

Tucson AZ 85716

