LOP – 15 August 2017, A.S. LII



Unto Their Royal Majesties Áilgheanán and Amber; Baroness Genevieve de Lironcourt, Aten Principal Herald; Heralds in the Atenveldt College of Heralds; and to All Whom These Presents Come,

Greetings from Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy, Brickbat Herald and Parhelium Herald for the Kingdom of Atenveldt!

This is the July 2017 Atenveldt Letter of Presentation. Please have commentary to me by 30 August 2017.

Heraldry Hut: The July Heraldry Hut is tentatively scheduled for Friday, 18 August, 7:30 PM.

Please consider the following for theAugust 2017 Atenveldt Letter of Intent:

Eugene Haraldsson (Burning Sands):NEW NAME and DEVICE

Per pale sable and argent, a sun eclipsed between in bend an arrowhead and anther inverted, all counterchanged.

Eugene II (d. 827 AD) ascended to the papacy in 824 (Horace Mann, The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 (http://www.newadvent.com/cathen/05598b.htm). Haraldr is an Old Norse masculine name, Geirr Bassi Haraldsson, The Old Norse Name, p. 10. The client desires a male name.

Donndubán mac Eógain (Ered Sul): DEVICE RESUBMISSION, Laurel 2013

Argent, a wolf rampant gules ermined Or, a bordure pean.

The name was register June 2013.

The original submission, Per chevron sable and vert, a chevron between two compass starts and a sword inverted argent., was returned for conflict. This is a complete redesign.

Marcus Octavius “Eirickr” Valerius (Burning Sands): NEW NAME and DEVICE

Per pale embattled gules and sable, an eagle Or.

The name is Latin. Marcus is one of the handful of praenominae, Octavius a popular nomen and Valerius another nomen ; I don’t know if a nomen might serve as a cognomen in the three-part Classical name (Roma Nova website,http://www.novaroma.org/nr/Main_Page). However, Ursula Georges cites a soldier’s cognomen as Valerianus(http://yarntheory.net/ursulageorges/names/roman.html#cognomen). It is unlikely that the Old Norse Eirickr would be included in the name. The client will not allow the creation of a holding name. He desires a male name and is most interested in the language/culture of the name (Roman 1-2nd C.); he would like it made suthentic for a 1st-2nd C. Roman.
The device is likely have conflicts, and the client wouldn’t mind incorporating an element of his knight’s armory (Sable, in chief three pallets couped argent., from Oslaf of Northumbria). However, I’ll admit to be stymied how this could work.

Nikolaus Gerhart (Tir Ysgithr): NEW BADGE

(Fieldless) An armored arms embowed argent sustaining a broken lance bendwise sinister Or.

The name was registered November 2014.

The following submissions appear in the July 2017 Atenveldt Letter of Intent:

Commentary was provided by Adelaide de Beaumont, Beatrice Domenici della Campana, Daniel the Broc, ffride wlffsdotter, Gunnvor silfraharr, Herveus d’Ormond, Maridonna Benvenuti, Michael Gerard Curtememoire, Seamus mac Riain and Taran The Wayward.

Eirný Þrúðadóttir (Twin Moons): NEW NAME

The byname appeared misspelled in the IloI, and should be Þrúðardóttir; this was caught by a number of commenters.

Emeludt von Zerssen (Twin Moons): DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, October 2016

Argent, a chevron rompu azure between two peacocks respectant proper and a seeblatt azure.

The name was registered October 2016.

The original submission, Argent, a chevron rompu azure between two peacocks respectant proper and a seeblatt azure., was

returned for a redraw, for violating the guidelines set forth on the May 2011 Cover Letter for a properly drawn chevron; the chevron rompu here is too low. Please see that Cover Letter for further discussion and details of how to properly draw a chevron. This has been redrawn.

Jebe Gan (Tir Ysgithr): NEW NAME and DEVICE

Or, a fess azure surmounted by a Bactrian camel statant regardant proper maintaining in its mouth a stalk of bamboo vert.

The name is Mongolian, with elements taken from “Mongolian Naming Practices,” Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy (http://heraldry.sca.org/names/mongolian_names_marta.html). Jebe, “arrowpoint, weapon,” and Gan, “steel”. (Coincidentally, or not, this is similar in appearance to the client’s legal name, Jeff Gnann.) The client desires a male name.
A Bactrian camel, blazoned as such, was registered June 2016 to Arnulf of Ad Flumen Caerulum.

Liam Warr (Tir Ysgithr): DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, March 2017

Paly gules and argent, a seven-pointed mullet sable within an annulet Or.

The name was registered March 2017.

The original submission Argent, three pallets gules, overall a mullet of seven points sable., was returned for “being the equivalent to equivalent to Paly argent and gules, a mullet of seven points sable.; there are multiple conflicts. Per the April 2012 Cover Letter on suns vs. mullets vs. estoiles (http://heraldry.sca.org/loar/2012/04/12-04cl.html), there is no difference between mullets of any number of points and there is a difference between mullets of seven points and suns.” This is a redesign.

Litli Knartr (Twin Moons): NEW NAME and NEW DEVICE: Sable, a rhinoceros head erased, a bordure Or.

The name is Old Norse, and documentation comes from Nordiskt runnamnslexicon, Lena Peterson. Litli is a masculine name, p. 160, dated c. 1050-1050 AD. The Old West Norse form would be LítliKnartr, found as Gunnar knartr, 1329 in Norway, comes from knart, “a small, densely-grown person” (Lind, column 207). The name elements are within 500 years of each other. The client is most interested in in the meaning (his nickname in his local group is “Tiny”) and culture/language of the name. He wishes it to be authentic for Old Norse.

The device was blazoned as cabossed; this is incorrect, as the beast appears in profile to dexter, the default orientation for most creatures’ heads.

Gunnvor silfraharr: The problem here is that <lítli> and <knartr> are BOTH bynames in Old West Norse. He needs a given name in there. Fortunately, Lena Peterson’s Nordiskt runnamnslexikon (http://www.sprakochfolkminnen.se/om-oss/publikationer/institutets-publikationer/personnamn-och-ovrig a-namn/2016-09-17-nordiskt-runnamnslexikon.html) s.n. <Litli> has it as a given name.

There was a great deal of commentary on the line of division for the beasts’ head. Michael Gerard Curtememoire says “From Wreath: Couped and Erased” in http://heraldry.sca.org/loar/2001/11/01-11cl.html, declares that in period: “The most significant difference between couped and erased is that couped was almost universally treated as a smooth line, while erased was marked by the presence of significant and prominent jags. Virtually all heads found in period heraldic artwork are distinctly either couped or erased, without intermediate artistic forms.” If a smooth convex line–the same cover-letter item notes “Another convex form [of couped] resembled a shallow T-shirt neck line”–is drawn along the sinister edge of the head and a bit of Or is filled in to meet it, or if the neck plates are adjusted so they form such a line, we would have Sable, a rhinoceros head couped, a bordure Or., without losing much if any beauty from this emblazon.

Litli Knartr: NEW BADGE: Sable, a unicorn’s head erased Or, a bordure argent.

The requirement in http://heraldry.sca.org/loar/2001/11/01-11cl.html, “From Wreath: Couped and Erased”, is “the erasing should (1) have between three and eight jags”. This meets the requirement.

Melonia Marie Popoff (Barony of Atenveldt): NEW NAME

There was a lot of commentary on the name submission. In http:/heraldry.sca.org/admin.html#III.A, paragraph 10, “Name Used by the Submitter Outside the Society”, provides, “A small change in the name is sufficient for registration, such as the addition of a syllable or a spelling change that changes the pronunciation.” <Melonia> differs from <Meloney> by both the addition of a syllable and a spelling change that changes the pronunciation, including the stress pattern. Adelaide de Beaumont comments that “Since Melonia would be the expected Latin scribal formation of someone named Melony, I think this is de facto identical with her legal name and should be returned. (It is likely that that’s how Melonia got into record in the first place; I note one of the Melonia examples has her father listed as Thome which looks like it is Latinized as well. Where the records show no signs of Latinization, the spelling is Melony or Melonye.). I think there is another thing we should consider. SENA states, “This rule can allow a name phrase which is not attested in period, but the name as a whole must still meet the other requirements for names. This includes issues with overall construction, conflict, presumption, and offense.” However, when someone uses the allowance on multiple name phrases, they do an end-around our rules for combining cultures. What we have here is an English given name, well two of them, and a Russian surname, which we wouldn’t allow (and of course the Russian isn’t correct for the gender of the submitter). All the examples in SENA assume that a submitter is using the allowance for ONE name phrase, though it never explicitly says they only get one. However, as soon as you allow multiple uses, you almost have to be running up against identity with their entire legal name. Just for grins, it would be nice to tell the submitter that Wickenden has Melitina as a Russian martyr, and Melitina Popova would be an awesome name.” She bows to the precedent that the change if sufficient to make the name “different” from her mundane name. That would be “de jure”.

Robbert Broekhuijsen (Mons Tonitrus): NEW NAME and DEVICE

Per bend sinister gules and argent, an Oriental dragon in annulo azure, in base a spiral hunting horn reversed vert surmounted by two arrows inverted in saltire sable.

The name is Dutch. Robbert Schaerdenberch is the father of a son Robbert, baptized February 1632 in Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands (https://familysearch.org/search/record/results?count=20&query=%2Bgivenname%3ARobbert~%20%2Bbirth_place%3ANetherlands~%20%2Bbirth_year%3A1500-1650~). The father’s citation is https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2D5-KV54. Broekhuijsen is the surname of Jan and Stevening, the parents of Gosenwinus; the child was baptized February 1656 at Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2DB-DS4Z) ; it is apparent that the child’s parents were born before 1650. The father’s citation is https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2DB-DS4Z. The client desires a male name and is most interested in the spelling of the name.

While the musical instrument is visually similar to a bugle, that blazon hasn’t been used in years (mostly in the 1970s and 1980s), the last in 2003 to

Flóki hvítskeggr Lambason. This is more like a (slightly-squashed) spiral hunting horn.

William of Grimsby (Tir Ysgithr): NEW NAME and DEVICE: Per pale gules and azure, a badger’s head cabossed Or marked sable.

The following were returned by the Atenveldt College of Heralds for further work, July 2017:

Melonia Marie Popoff: NEW DEVICE: Vert, a catamount rampant gardant argent, enflamed complete proper, a bordure ermine.

The current policy of enflaming charges follows that found in the Pictorial Dictionary: ‘The Society’s depiction of a “[charge] enflamed” has also changed over the years. Originally, a “[charge] enflamed” was equivalent to “on a flame a [charge]” – with the exception of candles, lamps, torches, and the like, where “enflamed” simply means “lit”. Currently, a “[charge] enflamed” is drawn as it would be in medieval armory: with spurts of flame issuant from and surrounding the charge. In Precedents the June 1993 Cover Letter notes: “in period, the normal depiction of a [charge] enflamed showed the charge on the field, with tiny spurts of flame issuant (and also on the field).” (This matches to what is said in the PicDic.) Morsulus Herald puts it clearly: “The catamount is “fimbriated with flames” which is not registrable and has not been for a long long time.” It is seen in the arms of the Barony of Atenveldt, with the fimbriated with flames laurel wreath, but that is fairly concurrent with when that practice became prohibited. This will be returned and a period manner of drawing enflamed will be shown to the client. (There are also a couple of submissions from the 9 July 2017 Gleann Abhann for Jehanne Darc de la Coste that have similar enflamed charges and a badge from Faye Trees which had an acorn recently registered with the charge completely surrounded on the perimeter, although these nave discreet tongues of flame alternately gules and Or.)

Device RETURNED for prohibited form of flames.

The following submissions appear in the June 2017 Atenveldt Letter of Intent:

Atenveldt, Kingdom of: NEW TRANSFER OF BADGE

Gyronny azure and gules, a dexter hand couped apaumy Or.

Áilgheanán and Amber (Andrew and Amber Coleman), as Crown of Atenveldt, transfer this badge, once registered to Mary Margaret of Derby in October 1976 and transferred by her to the Kingdom of Atenveldt in July 1981, to the Barony of Sundragon in the Kingdom of Atenveldt. Necessary signed paperwork is forwarded to Laurel.
Fenrich Stürmer Hahn (Tir Ysgithr): DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, March 2017
Or, a dunghill cock rising contourny vert maintaining a spear bendwise sinister gules hafted sable, a bordure raguly sable.

The name was registered March 2017.

The previous submission, Or, a dunghill cock rising contourny vert maintaining a spear bendwise sinister argent hafted sable, a bordure raguly sable., was returned for contrast issues. a’According to the precedent set in August 2015 which allows maintained charges to count towards difference, they need to be identifiable and are no longer exempt from the usual requirements for good contrast. As the identifying portion of the spear is argent on an Or field, there is not sufficient contrast for the identifiability to be maintained.” Making the blade gules solves the problem.

Mary Margaret of Derby: NEW TRANSFER OF DEVICE

Azure, a domestic cat passant to sinister Or.

Dawn Johnson, daughter and estate executor of Mary Margaret of Derby (Mary Johnson) transfers to the Barony of Sundragon in the Kingdom of Atenveldt Mary Margaret’s device. Necessary signed paperwork is forwarded to Laurel.

Odette Steingrim (Sundragon): NAME RESUBMISSION from Laurel, November 2014

The original submission, as seen above, was returned for the following reasons: “This name was pended on the June 2014 Letter of Acceptances and Returns in order to allow the submitter to provide the correct attestation of legal relationship with Eirik Ising Steingrim. Written proof of the relationship was not provided, so we are unable to grandfather the byname Steingrim to the submitter. This name combines a French given name and Norwegian byname. This is not an acceptable lingual mix under Appendix C of SENA. Therefore, we are unable to register this name and must return it.”

Eirik has supplied a Letter of Permission for Odette to use part of his SCA registered name Steingrim; he is her legal step-father. Odette is demonstrated as a French given name found in a tax archive of 14-17th century French record, “Late Period French Feminine Names,” Aryenhwy merch Catmael (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/french/latefrench.html).


Azure, a fret argent, a bordure ermine.

The client’s widow and estate executor Angelica Blauschild (Nancy Denkeler), transfers to the Barony of Sundragon in the Kingdom of Atenveldt Otto’s device. Necessary signed paperwork is forwarded to Laurel.

Gefroi and Jacqueline, the Baron and Baroness of Sundragon, accept the following armories:
Argent, on a bend between two reef knots fesswise azure, three reef knots argent, a bordure azure. (device)

Azure, a domestic cat passant to sinister Or. (device)
Azure, a fret argent, a bordure ermine. (device)
Gyronny azure and gules, a dexter hand couped apaumy Or.

Necessary signed paperwork is forwarded to Laurel.

Yehudah of Nuremberg: NEW TRANSFER OF DEVICE

Argent, on a bend between two reef knots fesswise azure, three reef knots argent, a bordure azure.

The client’s widow and estate executor Agnes of Blackfeld (Wanda Baum) transfers to the Barony of Sundragon in the Kingdom of Atenveldt Yehudah’s registered device. Necessary signed paperwork is forwarded to Laurel.

Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy

c/o Linda Miku

2527 East 3rd Street

Tucson AZ 85716

