LOI – 31 May 2018, A.S. LIII


Letter of Intent

31 May 2018, A.S. LIII

Unto Juliana Laurel; Alys Pelican; Cormac Wreath; and the commenting Members of the College of Arms,

Greetings from Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy, Brickbat Herald and Parhelium Herald for the Kingdom of Atenveldt!

The Atenveldt College of Heralds requests the consideration and registration of the following names and armory with the College of Arms.

Unless specifically stated, the client will accept any spelling and grammar corrections; all assistance is appreciated.

1. Kim Samguk: NEW NAME and DEVICE

Sable, natural tiger rampant Or marked sable, on a chief Or a bow sable.

The name is Korean. Traditional Korean names consist of two parts, a family/clan name, followed by a given/personal name. The client has based his name choices on the Three Kingdoms period from 57 BC to 668 AD (https://www.britannica.com/topic/Three-Kingdoms-period), The Hangul writing system consists of 24 letters (14 consonants and 10 vowels) (https://www.britannica.com/art/Korean-literature#ref1050379; ). Kim, “gold,” is a family name of a group that rose to power and became the rulers of Silla for seven centuries (https://www.britannica.com/story/why-are-so-many-koreans-named-kim). The name is not considered presumptuous, as the clan was so huge that it remains the most common family name in Korea today.
Samguk demonstrates the two-element naming process (sam, “three,” and guk, “kingdoms, mountain man, soup”) (https://www.ancient.eu/Samguk_Sagi/). I’m not sure if this would be an appropriate given name.

Currently only late-period Korean names are registerable. (e.g., July 2017 LoAR sn. Won Cheol. (https://heraldry.sca.org/loar/2017/07/17-07lar.html#300) “Although at one time Korean names were not registerable, in February 2015, we ruled that “late period Korean names are registerable under the standards of SENA.” [Jeong Cheongju Han, 2/2015 LoAR, A-Trimaris]” ) I’m also unsure (read, I have no idea), if this is a late-period Korean name.

The client desires a male name and is most interested in the sound and language/culture of the name. He will not accept Major or Minor changes to the name.

There is a SFPP for the use of a natural tiger, since it isn’t attested to in period armory.

2. Matheus Veðr Brokkr: DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, February 2018

Per fess vert and sable, in pale a badger rampant maintaining a spear and a sun argent.

The name was registered February 2018.

The original submission, as blazoned above, was returned “administratively, because the black-and-white and color emblazons provided in the Letter of Intent are substantially different. The black-and-white depiction has the badger significantly larger than the spear, and filling all available vertical space. The color version uses a different depiction of both spear and badger, with the latter diminished in size to be shorter than the spear. This change shifts the spear from maintained to sustained, and the blazonable difference between the two is grounds for return.”
The redrawing has the badger of identical size.

3. Moye Varr: NAME and DEVICE RESUBMISSION, Laurel January 2016

Per fess potenty argent and gules, in chief an eagle rising, wings elevated and addorsed sable.

The previous name submission, Móivar Vignirson, had multiple issues. This is a complete redesign.

The name is English. Richard Moye has a christening date of 9 Sep 1582 in Holy Trinity, Conventry, Warwick, England.(Batch C04192-2, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:N2WF-D9M ).
Thomas Varr has a christening date of 3 Oct 1554 in Epworth, Lincoln, England (Batch C01944-4, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NTHY-15V). Late period English surnames could sometimes be used as given names. The client desires a male and and will not accept Major changes to the name.

The previous device submission, Per fess Or and sable, a double-headed eagle sable and a lightning bolt bendwise sinister argent with an annulet rayonny on its out edge Or., was returned for multiple issues. This is a complete redesign.

4. Moye Varr: NEW BADGE

Per bend sinister Or and sable, a double-headed eagle and a Catherine’s wheel counterchanged.

5. Orrin Darius: NEW NAME
Orrin is an English male given name; Orrin Thomas Kebble has a birth date of 1554 in England, and his son Orrin James Kebble was born in 1575 (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/2:1:M3VN-6RG). Dariusis found as an English surname for Helena Darius, with a christening date of 15 Novmber 1635 in Hope, Derbyshire, England ( Batch C03111-6https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:JWQM-ZJL) her father was Petri Darius. The client desires a male name and is most interested in the sound of the name.

6. Theodora Akropolitissa: DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, January 2018

Argent, a bull’s head cabossed and in chief a double-bitted axe gules, a bordure embattled azure.

The name was registered June 2015.

The previous submision, as blazoned above, was returned: “While blazoned on the Letter of Intent as a primary head with its horns crossing the per fess line and a secondary axe, commenters felt that the small difference in size between the charges gave the impression of a single co-primary charge group. As a result, this device must be returned for violating SENA A3D1, Clarity of Charge Groups. Upon resubmission, we encourage the artist to draw the bull’s head larger, and the axe either smaller or oriented fesswise to better fill the available space.”

The client was consulted and requires that the axe remain palewise rather than fesswise, even if it drawn smaller.

There are 2 New Names, 1 New Device and 1 New Badge. These 4 items are chargeable, Laurel should receive $16 for them. There are 1 Name resubmission and 3 Device resubmissions. These 4 items are not chargeable. There are a total of 8 items submitted on this letter.

Commentary was provided by Christian Jorgensen af Hilsonger, ffride wlffsdotter, Madoc Arundel, Michael Gerard Curtememoire.

Thank you to those who provide your wisdom and patience, your expertise and your willingness to share it.

Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy
c/o Linda Miku
2527 East 3rd Street; Tucson AZ 85716